Eigenvalues and resonances for hyperbolic surfaces


Videos for the paper with Alexander Strohmaier.

All the videos are also available on YouTube



Video 1: The dynamics of the resonances for Aφq as q changes.

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Video 2: The dynamics of the resonances for Br as r changes.

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Video 3: The dynamics of the resonances for Cℓ,0 as changes.

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Video 4: The dynamics of the resonances for Cℓ,1/2 as changes.

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Video 5: The dynamics of the resonances for Carccosh(3/2),τ as τ changes.

Download this video in mp4MP4 format or MKV format.



Video 6: The dynamics of the resonances for C*(τ),τ as τ changes.

Download this video in mp4MP4 format or MKV format.